Setting different amounts for single vs recurring donations
Angela Blake
We reviewed this and partially completed development before hitting some snags. We have some significant updates to make before we pick this back up. Until then, this post will remain Open. We'll update as soon as there's news.
HR - Bristol Bike Project
Hi Angela Blake 'significant updates' sounds like it could be at least another year before we see this resolved. If that's the case, It would be worth us changing platform due to the loss of income we'll experience by continuing with the current issue. Could you let your customers know a realistic time frame on this pleas?
Angela Blake
HR - Bristol Bike Project Hi! Thanks for the context. I recently finished picking our primary projects for 2025, and this one is planned for the 1st Quarter.
You can do something similar with the Legacy form template right now, since it has per-amount recurring donation settings. When we add this capability to the Visual Form Builder, we'll create a way to migrate smoothly from Legacy forms. So that could be a solution for now if it gives you what you need.
However, I'd love to hear more about how you use this. Some organizations like to use it to create large donation amounts and then configure the per-amount recurring options as a sort of installment plan. If that's not what you're looking for, can you provide some examples of what you need?
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Separate amounts for monthly vs. One Time
Pete Havens
Please forgive me if this is already a feature, but it's absolutely critical fro us to be able to show separate suggested donation amounts based on the donor toggling between "One-Time" and "Monthly". It doesn't make sense for those suggested amounts to stay the same as you choose either option. Thanks, hope you can add this feature soon.
Plínio Averbach
Same here: I am uncomfortable asking $5 one time or 1,000 monthly 😅
I think splitting this is super important: monthly needs to be lower and one-time higher
Angela Blake
under review
Marco Principia
Angela Blake Hello Angela. Why this very important and much need (from a very long time) feature was marked as in progress and now is set back to "under review"?
Angela Blake
Marco Principia Hi Marco. One of our developers picked this up because he thought he had a quick way to implement it in our Visual Donation Form Builder. Once he got started, he realized it needed a lot of work from design. Since our designer already has a lot of work lined up, we have not been able to prioritize this yet.
I moved it to Under Review so everyone wouldn't think it's currently In Progress, but it's actually blocked until we can get the design done. I'm eager to complete this, and I'll follow up here as soon as I get it into a development sprint.
Marco Principia
Angela Blake thank you
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Alex Coleman
Merged in a post:
Donation Levels Depending One-Time or Recurring
Brian Mukulu
As an admin, I want to have different donation levels depending on the donor selects one-time or recurring donations.
This post was marked as
in progress
HR - Bristol Bike Project
Hi GiveWP team, any update on this? How long until this will be live? Would be really good to have this completed before we launch.
Marco Principia
Still no news on this? The V3 forms improved the donor experience with the frequency choice, by putting it above the donation levels; but without amounts changing based on their choice it's only a small step forward.
IMHO, this should work also with different recurring period.
e.g. Single donation 5 - 10 -15; Monthly donation 10 - 15 - 20; Yearly donation 100 - 150 - 200 etc.
Amanda Gorman
Merged in a post:
Different amount for recurring donations
Farzal Dojki
As an admin, I'd like to have different amounts for one-time and recurring donations.
Example: If the donor wants to donate on the same form once he/she can have the amount $100, $200, $500 and $1000 and If the donor wants to donate Monthly he/she can have $15, $30, $50 and $80.