Annual Receipts displays "?" instead of ₹
Angela Blake
Angela Blake
Our developers reviewed this issue and found that it would not be a simple fix. We are determining how and when we'd like to handle it since it will require a significant update to this add-on.
Meanwhile, our developers have provided a short term solution. This custom code can be used as a filter to remove the symbol altogether or to replace it with 'INR'.
if ( isset( $_GET['give_annual_receipts_admin_action'] ) && 'preview_annual_receipts' === $_GET['give_annual_receipts_admin_action'] ) {
add_filter('give_currency_symbol', function($symbol, $currency) {
if('INR' === $currency) {
return '';
return $symbol;
}, 10, 2);
Please exercise caution whenever adding custom code by always taking a backup of your site before making changes. We'll keep you updated on more permanent solutions.
Angela Blake
under review
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Angela Blake
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Ensure that special characters settings functionality works similar to pdf receipts
Matheus Martins
As a user, I want to show INR currency symbol to be loaded properly so that it looks consistent.
Currently, I can see that the INR currency symbol is messed up and showed as ? irrespective of the Special Characters settings is enabled or disabled.
I expect to see actual INR currency symbol when Special Characters settings are enabled similar to PDF receipts.
Angela Blake
under review
Ishita Sharma
Kindly resolve this soon.