Some P2P strings are still not translatable
Angela Blake
We released an update to Peer-to-Peer this week to improve translations and address the untranslatable strings you've all reported to us. Thank you for being so patient while we work to improve our code base and make it more internationally friendly.
Please update your Peer-to-Peer add-on to the latest version and let us know if you spot any more text strings we need to work on. Thanks!
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Delbert Warkentin - PRO ONG
Glad this is finally being worked on. I am still seeing a couple of strings missing. In the peer-to-peer plugin the string where is says "%s donated a recurring donation 30 dias ago through peer2peer campaign" is missing and "Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed." is also not translating even though in other plugin's it is.
Other areas that need to be translated are:
1) "Raised" in the multistep form in the first slide is missing.
2) "choose your frecuency" and "one time" still cannot be translated. these might be the main plugin or in the recurring plugin, not sure.
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Patkó Péter
Give team,
It's hard to believe that in 2024 you write code like this. Harder to believe that you cannot change some strings in the code from 'Top Teams' to __('Top Teams', 'whateverdomain'). In 10 months.
As Pierre wrote, this renders your payed plugin useless for half of the world. Or half of the foundations of the world. Which you care for, right?
Please let us know the ETA for fully translatable P2P.
Kind regards,
Pierre Laurin
AGREED ! This issue is top priority for our organization as we need all labels translated in French.
There are 5 untranslatable labels on our test Give P2P page (below); I do not know how many more there are in the whole Give P2P software.
- Top Teams
- Looking for a team?
- Start typing the name of the team
- View Team
- raised of ... goal
@Give P2P team => can you please confirm if you have this on your roadmap to get fixed and if so, by when?
This is a 'showstopper' for us, and depending on if this is fixed by end of Feb 2024 or not, we will take a Go / No decision with Give WP P2P
Thank you
Pierre Laurin
SOS Miss Dolittle