When a donor enters a number or email in the First Name or Last Name fields, hitting "Donate Now", the button changes to "Please Wait..." for about 1 S and then changes back to "Donate Now".
Nothing happens. There is no error message and the donor continually tries to submit the form with no indication that anything is wrong.
The browser's debugging tool shows there is indeed an error message - "The First Name and Last Name fields cannot contain an email address or numbers."
Numbers in the name fields are common, such as "Jane Smith 2nd".
Discussion with tech support suggests this is a known issue and can't be fixed. Tech support has submitted a feature request here https://feedback.givewp.com/feature-requests/p/allow-numbers-in-firstlast-name-fields
It is a bug, not a feature. Potential donors will be dissuaded from donating because the form doesn't work and they don't know why. This is a loss of revenue to me. Additionally, the donor forms a negative opinion of my site because they can't make a donation.
To reproduce, enter a number in the First Name or Last Name field and submit the form.