Importing Donation Subscriptions
Angela Blake
We have reviewed this post and are considering this for future Import/Export tool improvements. It is not scheduled for development yet, so this post will remain Open.
Greg Dietrich
The biggest way this is helpful for me as a web developer is so that I can export out subscription data and import it into a new website. When we build a new website for a client there is some time months of time between starting and finishing, so we can't start with an export of the database and build and if we import the database when we are done it will overwrite all the work we just did.
Amanda Gorman
under review
Our team will keep an eye on this feature request, but the more specific you can be about how this feature request will benefit your organization, the better. Please vote and comment here!
Alan Owen
Amanda Gorman: This would be very beneficial as the task of manually adding several hundred Stripe subscriptions, one at a time, from our previous platform would take weeks! There's also a high chance of human error while doing so many. Right now we are having to manage our subscriptions in two different places depending on when they began.
Brock O
Amanda Gorman: I would like this enhancement as well. So currently there is no way to upload donations, specify the form, and have it create a subscription for that donor/form? I have over a thousand subscriptions I need to get created int our site in order to sync with the payment gateways and incoming webhook calls. Also, need to be able to specify the subscription ID or profile in the document upload to upload missing subscription transactions. Preferably both options.
We are currently manually creating subscriptions generated outside the site which is enormously time consuming, and we lose the furure transaction tracking if we don't create them..
Zack Jenkins
The work-around for bringing in subscriptions into GiveWP can be found in the following documentation- in section
"Adding Existing Subscriptions to GiveWP"