Peer to Peer enhancements
under review
Rick Alday
Within Campaign options, the Teams options allows the toggling on/off of "Team Registration". When I turn this off the following behaviour is observed:
- The Start Fundraising/Register page no longer shows "Create Team" option. However it still shows "Join a team". If no teams exist a Team Search page is shown with the text "Nothing found for search term "" "
Suggestion for improvement: if Team Registration is off, and there are no teams open to join there maybe room for improving the user experience. I would have liked to see the hiding of the "Join a team" option, and only see "Join as an individual". If the "Join a team" stays displayed, clicking on it should minimally result in the Team search page with a message more informative than "Nothing found for search term ""
- On the main Campaign page, if teams exist, they are shown under Top Teams section. If no teams exist (or all existing teams in Campaign are in "Closed" for "Allow others to join team" in the Team configuration), then a Create Team button is shown under Top Teams section. However, clicking on this button just redirects to the top of the Campaign Page. As expected, team creation workflow is not initiated.
Suggestion: If Team Registration is off, and there are no open teams available to join, then hide the Top Teams section, or minimally suppress the displaying of the "Create Team button which appears if there are no teams open for joining.
These suggestions would be helpful for organizations that are taking baby steps into the world of P2P fundraising, and don't want to overwhelm their donor base with too many options if they are not ready to start with the teams construct out of the gate.
However, when thinking through this, I think it might be important to thinking through how these options may be used throughout the lifecycle of a Campaign, with Teams included. For example a Campaign may want Team Registration "on" at the start of the campaign for a period of time, and then "off" to prevent any new Team Registration after that period elapses, and subsequently suppress the ability create a team, but still allow joining existing teams that are open for joining.
Angela Blake
under review
Imran Yousuf
Rick Alday there may be some overlap between this request, and