Remove the requirement for Donor Email in Manual Donations
Stephanie Liy
As an admin, I would like the requirement for Donor Email to be removed (keeping the field is fine, the requirement is the issue). Some donors send in checks, but there is no email address to collect.
As a workaround, we recommend site admins create sample email addresses such as "". It is important to note that each sample email address should be unique to each donor.
Kathleen Meixner
This improvement would be very helpful, as I was having the same issue for manual donations in the GiveWP database.
Dean Suhr
Simple request: Remove the email requirement for manual donations. And frankly, we need an admin option per donation form to make email optional as well.
Downside of the request: The downside, of course, is that the donor will not get a receipt, and that caution might be good to pop up for acceptance, but that is the donor's choice.
And making it more complicated: And ideally, if they skip email an optional paper mail address should appear (admin option by form). Donors should also either get a paper mailed receipt (admin optional setting by form) and better yet admin should be able to set a minimum donation level for a paper mailed receipt
– a pop-up should be shared with the donor if they are not meeting the minimum.