Store phone number on donor record
Lisa Spangler
A great feature to have would be to save a donor's phone number on the donor record, in addition to the donation. The phone number would be updated with each donation (if it changes). This would help with fundraising as we'd always know which phone number was the most current one.
Ben Meredith
This is definitely a popular feature, and after GiveWP 3.0 (Join the journey here) things like this will get much more easy to implement. Stay tuned!
Alex Coleman
Alex Coleman
As of GiveWP version 3.9.0, there's a phone number field for Visual Form Builder (VFB) forms that will save to the donor record.
Before updating, I highly recommend taking a good backup of the site you can confidently restore from. Having a backup of your site is essential to a solid workflow, and will allow you to restore to a previous version of the site if you run into any issues. You can read more about our top recommendations for taking a backup here:
Then, update and you'll find the phone number block when you're editing VFB forms 😎.
Lisa Spangler
Alex Coleman this is awesome news! Doing the happy dance over here!! Thank you!
Lisa Spangler
Hi Ben! That is awesome news! Our development director will be thrilled!
Ben Meredith
This is definitely a popular feature, and after GiveWP 3.0 (Join the journey here) things like this will get much more easy to implement. Stay tuned!
Ben Hofstetter
How is this not a feature already?
Ben Meredith
Ben Hofstetter: See my new pinned comment for the short version, but the longer version is that this is not a feature already because of the way forms are currently built, the way data is currently stored, and the way GiveWP was initially designed makes it tough to do easily.
On top of that, while it does have 25 votes, that's not actually all that many for a post that's more than a year and half old. We record every time someone asks for a feature (on any forum) to the tally here, and with over 100,000 active users, 25 votes in 18 months is still relatively small.
I totally agree that this will be a great feature. If you need it urgently, you can add it right now using some custom PHP. Here's the developer documentation on that.
Eventually, it will be something that you can do automatically in the platform.
Thanks for reaching out!
Ben Hofstetter
Ben Meredith: Thanks for your response.
Plinio Averbach
Ashraff Rahman
phone number should be part of the main fields for donation with an option to enable/disable and required or not.
Alhadi zahmuwl
Please add add the phone number to personal detail with an option to opt out if donor not keen to share it , it is great way of connecting in person with our supporters
Marco Principia
IMHO this should be part of a larger and better interaction between the donation form, Form Field Manager and Donor Dashboard.
In a few words, every field (on a per field choice made by the admin) should be stored and retrieved when the donor logs in. And therefore showed in the Donor Dashboard.
Ben Hofstetter
Marco Principia: Agree!!!
Ben Meredith
under review
Our team is monitoring this request to see how popular it is. Please vote and comment here!
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