The multi-step donation form should allow decimal numbers
Jason Adams
Happy to share that this has been resolved in the new GiveWP 2.11.0 release. Please update and let us know if you have any further issues.
Dianne McGaunn
Jason Adams: Hello, we have 2.13.1 and are still having this issue. Any thoughts?
Jason Adams
Dianne McGaunn: Hi! Sorry to hear you're still experiencing this issue. Can you please reach out to support so they can look into the issue with you? They'll help identify further details to help troubleshoot this further.
Dianne McGaunn
Jason Adams: How do I do that? We have the free version.
Ben Meredith
Dianne McGaunn: the free version is supported at
Be sure in your message there to include as much detail as possible, like the version number you are using, and how you've set the currency and decimal settings. Our team is happy to help!
Ante Laca
in progress
Ante Laca
under review
Jason Broderick
This to me doesn't seem like a feature request more than a bug fix. I can't understand why this wouldn't be fixed very quickly, makes no sense not to allow decimals for exact amounts.
Matt Cromwell
Jason Broderick: Thanks for your input Jason. Please understand that decimals are relatively easy when it comes to USD, but GiveWP supports dozens of types of currencies, decimal types, decimal places, etc. Also keep in mind that our legacy forms do currently support decimals as intended.
Ben Griffiths
Matt Cromwell: Hi Matt, what about GBP? Decimals surely have to be the same as USD.
It's a shame that our only option is to use a form being referred to as legacy.
I really hope that we see this functionality soon.
Paul Lacey
Jason Broderick: Just to add my voice to this request for decimals in pre-determined amounts on multi choice forms.
Just today I was putting the finishing touches on a form, with all printed materials gone out in the campaign with the price of £12.50 per month.
So I put it in the form and it reverts on the front end to £13 - arh!
That was a stressful moment there.
Thanks to this thread I've put the form in legacy style, but the nice encouraging words the client sat with me and wrote out to give the form a nice friendly feel are all just in one big field at the top. And the UX is nowhere near as nice. So To add to what others said, if you've nailed it on $ can you apply this please to other common currencies that have the same decimal system as the $? In my case £ please :)
Otherwise - keep up the good work team!